Beneath the ocean’s surface lies a mysterious animal kingdom, from the tiniest zooplankton to the planet’s colossal giants. There are beautiful ocean animals, cute ocean animals, not to mention a few creepy ocean animals. Still, we know less about the ocean than we do the Moon.
Becoming a PADI Professional isn’t just about teaching people to scuba dive or guiding fun dives. It can also be an incredible addition to your resume and make you stand out in the job market. As PADI Pros, we gain unique skills and experiences that can be applied to and utilized in many industries, not just the diving industry. In this article, we’ll explore five reasons how being a PADI Pro can boost your resume and marketability for any job. We’ve even thrown in a bonus reason you may not have thought of.
Landlocked. That’s probably the last word we’d associate with scuba diving. And yet, within the PADI community, there are PADI Pros from landlocked countries who are diving, thriving and proving this seeming juxtaposition false.
In this article, we meet Paul Gregory Neilson and learn about his influence in the technical diving industry. Mesley was interviewed by a member of PADI staff, and this article was originally published on the TecRec blog on February 8, 2013.