Koh Tao, Thailand’s world-renowned diving paradise, has unveiled two exciting additions to its underwater world: the HTMS Suphairin and the HTMS Hanhak Sattru wrecks. These wrecks, once serving as fast attack craft for the Royal Thai Navy, now offer thrilling opportunities for divers to explore and discover the rich marine life and history hidden beneath the waves.
Let’s talk about the possibility of needing to refresh your scuba skills after getting yourself PADI certified. It can happen for any number of reasons. These include a long gap between your certification and your first fun dive or simply because you lost a little confidence after finding yourself in the open water.
Just off Ireland’s western coast, the Aran Islands sit, like a gateway, between the Irish mainland and the Atlantic Ocean. The largest of these islands is Inishmore. This tiny, 31 square kilometer (12 square mile) island is surrounded by the magnificent blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean and makes the ideal summer vacation destination if you enjoy activities like diving, hiking, and cycling.
From rainbow-colored coral reefs to mesmerizing marine life, the underwater world is crammed full of memory-worthy visuals. It’s unsurprising that one of the best ways people like to remember these magical moments is with an underwater portrait or selfie. To ensure you get the most Selfie Day-worthy images possible, we’ve put together some of our top tips for producing the best scuba diving portraits and underwater selfies.
If you’re in India and the sea beckons, you’re in luck. Some of the world’s most breathtaking diving destinations are just a short flight away. So, grab your gear, and let’s dive in to discover the best scuba diving destinations for Indians.