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Shack Forms Module 206
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How to Find an Eco-Friendly Dive Center

As divers, it’s crucial that we acknowledge the issues facing our waterways and take responsibility for protecting marine environments. That’s why it’s essential to choose an eco-friendly dive center that emphasizes sustainability and makes conservation efforts.

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An Unforgettable Dive: From Chemical Streaks to Clean Oceans

As scuba divers, we’re privileged to explore, enjoy and play beneath the surface — something the vast majority of people on the planet will never experience. While it’s hard to pick a favorite, each of us certainly has a dive we’ll never forget. Whether it’s crossing something off our scuba diving bucket list, making eye contact with a humpback whale, or simply enjoying a perfect day underwater with our favorite dive buddies – we love to share these dive stories with other aquaholics.

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Evolutionary Drift: An Interview with Our Closest Invertebrate Relatives

Salps are a common companion to many a diver’s oceanic safety stop. Though these gelatinous filter-feeding drifters look rather alien, they’re some of our closest invertebrate relatives—here’s how a conversation with them might go…

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Diving with—and Saving—North Carolina's Sand Tiger Sharks

Dottie Benjamin Photographing a Sand Tiger Shark

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Diving Sunken Villages in Thailand

If you live in Thailand, working as a dive instructor, people think that you are constantly on holiday. Not so, and it’s good to get away once in a while, go diving somewhere else for a bit of fun, to see something different and keep island fever at bay.

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