The most exciting part of any wreck dive for Kathy was penetrating the rusting steel hull. She could picture the crew going about their duties or passengers having the time of their lives—or struggling in steerage. But any trip inside a shipwreck called for a visit to the spooky, hidden engine room, which she loved to photograph to prove she had made it. It had become a competition between her and some friends. This time, however, Kathy was in the dark and couldn’t find her way back out.
As divers, it’s crucial that we acknowledge the issues facing our waterways and take responsibility for protecting marine environments. That’s why it’s essential to choose an eco-friendly dive center that emphasizes sustainability and makes conservation efforts.
As scuba divers, we’re privileged to explore, enjoy and play beneath the surface — something the vast majority of people on the planet will never experience. While it’s hard to pick a favorite, each of us certainly has a dive we’ll never forget. Whether it’s crossing something off our scuba diving bucket list, making eye contact with a humpback whale, or simply enjoying a perfect day underwater with our favorite dive buddies – we love to share these dive stories with other aquaholics.
Salps are a common companion to many a diver’s oceanic safety stop. Though these gelatinous filter-feeding drifters look rather alien, they’re some of our closest invertebrate relatives—here’s how a conversation with them might go…