The Best Dive Sites in Jamaica

Jamaica has more than 100 dive sites. The best ones will depend on your diving experience and interests. Below is a list of the best dive sites in Jamaica for divers of different skill levels and what you can expect to see on a dive. 

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Join Us on the Next PADI Club Trip in La Paz, Mexico

Our next PADI ClubTM member dive trip will be in La Paz, Mexico from 12 to 19 October, 2024. Dive in with sea lions, explore sunken ships and get up close and personal with sea turtles. La Paz is one of the hottest scuba diving destinations of the year, and PADI Club members are invited to explore the wonders of the Baja California Sur locale on this epic PADI Club trip.

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Exploring the Depths of Kona, Hawaii With PADI Club

Our turboprop plane banks sharply towards the runway, and Kona’s aquamarine waters and black lava coastline come into view. This is Hawaii, the BIG Island, PADI Club™ trip destination for the next 8 days.

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PADI Pros Making a Difference in Shark Conservation

Sharks. Just saying the word can stir up dramatic images and emotions. Maybe you hear the Jaws theme or that infectious “Baby Shark” song. But how much do we really know about these majestic creatures?

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Join Us at the PADI and SCUBAPRO Test Event in the Netherlands

Do you want to try out the latest dive gear by SCUBAPRO? Do you want to see a four-meter-high Kevin the Minion underwater? Do you want to become a PADI Master Scuba Diver or learn more about underwater photo and film? Then join us at the PADI and SCUBAPRO test event at the Boschmolenplas on Saturday the 31st of August and Sunday the 1st of September.

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