By David on Thursday, 23 December 2021
Category: Diving

New Year, Old You: New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Actually Want to Keep

It’s hard to avoid New Year, New You! articles and adverts this time of year. But what about New Year, Old You?  Revisiting activities you already enjoy is one of the best New Year’s resolutions you can make (and it’s one you’re likely to keep).

In the last 18 months, millions of people have revisited forgotten hobbies like drawing, playing music, juggling a soccer ball, making origami, etc. Turns out the things we used to love still have the magic to make us happy.

Also, many people have come to realize “out with the old” isn’t the most eco-friendly choice. Let’s be real, most of the New Year New You noise comes from companies that want to sell you something.

If you like the idea of improving your life but don’t want to buy more stuff, or if you want to make positive changes without turning your life upside down, read on for some alternative ways to make (and keep) your New Year’s resolutions.

Exercise and Get Fit

For example: instead of wasting money on a get-fit-quick scheme or expensive piece of exercise equipment, resolve to do something active with friends and family. Your friends will help you keep your commitment and you’ll probably enjoy the experience a lot more. Why not message some friends right now and put something on the calendar?

If you want to lose weight and try something new (two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions) simply reach for fresh produce instead of packaged food the next time you feel hungry. You can sign up for a CSA box (community-supported agriculture) or buy a fruit or veggie you’ve never tried before the next time you go shopping.

Save Money

Spend less and save money is another common New Year’s goal; and in our view, it’s one of the best. Some of the most effective ways to save money also support the health of our planet. For example:

Buy vintage clothes or host a clothing swap Grow your own veggies and fresh herbs Use cloth napkins instead of disposable ones Dry your clothes on a rack or line instead of using the dryer Hold off on buying a new vehicle as long as possible

If you’re a homeowner, there are some easy ways to reduce your monthly bills and your environmental impact. 

Save energy by upgrading the insulation in your home, buying solar panels and/or using a programmable thermostat.  Reduce water use by installing water aerators, using a low-flow showerhead and/or buying a dual flush toilet. 

How will you spend your one wild and precious life?

Live Life to the Fullest….

One of the most popular (and some might say audacious) New Year’s resolutions is live life to the fullest. There are a few ways to interpret this one, but our take is: eliminate activities that drain your energy and replace them with things that rejuvenate you.

You can start small:

Unsubscribe from email newsletters you don’t read and unfollow social media accounts that don’t make your life better. Start by eliminating one every day. Remember, you can always resubscribe or refollow.
Turn negative activities into positive ones. Hate cleaning the bathroom? Listen to an audiobook or podcast while you scrub, or take advantage of the acoustics and perfect your next karaoke song.
Say “no” to people and activities that leave you feeling upset or exhausted and replace them with something fun. Instead of post-dinner doom scrolling, phone a friend, play card games, read a book or revisit an old hobby. 

You don’t have to reinvent yourself to live a healthier, happier life. Revisiting activities you haven’t enjoyed for awhile is one of the best New Year’s resolutions you can make (because it’s one you’re likely to keep).

Want to get more exercise, reduce stress and live life to the fullest? Diving checks all three boxes. You can leave your worries at the surface, immerse yourself in nature and burn 300-600 calories per hour.

If family, work or other obligations have kept you from diving, you’re not alone. PADI ReActivate® makes it easy to fit a scuba refresher course into your busy schedule. Review basic scuba skills on your computer or mobile device. Move quickly through topics you know well and dive deeper into topics where your knowledge may have lapsed. Connect with your instructor for a water session, or whenever you have a question.

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Original author: Megan Denny
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